What’s the Ending

“Sunset” by Alex Liivet is licensed under CC BY 2.0

It was late that afternoon and Jarrod and I were mountain biking down the rugged and rocky path that wound around the mountain like a snake hugging a tree. The rocks bounced up and down as our thick tires rushed passed.  My hair hit my face as the wind rushed into me. We were racing the clock as we had to be home by sunset. I could see the sun piercing through the broken leaves in the canopy, it was close to sunset. The both of us reached the bottom of the mountain and we were going to make it home until I heard a cry from Jarrod. He was lying on the rocky ground clutching his leg. Thoughts spun in my had as I reached for my phone. My pockets were empty. Realisation struck me as I knew I had left it at home. As things couldn’t get worse I saw………….


Thanks guys

Your challenge is to complete this short story.

Good luck!!!



#Game on

G’day once again.

Welcome back once again. I woke up this morning and I was like I am going to write a blog. This blog post is about a video that I saw relating to internet and social media. I thought that this would be a great topic for a blog but before we get stated take a look at the video and then we can discuss this properly together.

The big problem about online gaming and social media is addiction. Social media is a big one that really sucks people in. The people who have to: post constantly, check the status update, obsessed with how many followers they have, are getting sucked in. This is taking over social medias user’s lives and they don’t know it. It is also upsetting the family that surrounds them because they are always on their phone and they never engage in conversation. Addiction can really effect younger people when it comes to study. When they are playing a game or on social media it takes time away from study. This results in the students doing poorly at school. Which could also seriously hurt their future. Social media also effects sleep. Now I don’t know about you but I don’t like waking up in the morning feeling like you can’t be bothered getting up. This could also affect student’s ability to study as they are half asleep at school. If you are struggling with addiction go to the website and read some tips.



When you are always on your device you begin to become anti-social. This means you basically are walking around like a zombie and are shutting everyone else out because you are too busy looking at your phone. This causes people to be less likely to talk to others because they are so immersed in their device. Isolation changes people. Especially their character. When alone and on social media or on gaming websites you are susceptible to be influenced by the wrong thing and, change who you are as a person because you are never in the real world anymore and do things that you aren’t use to, like swearing. This could damage who you are as a person.


Privacy. Geeze not much of that lately. Social media and gaming is taking all of it away. There are very smart and selfish people out there that are so cunning and can take things away from you just like that. Passwords. It is absolutely essential to always keep your passwords to yourself. (don’t pass them on). Hacking is also very common now that people have online banks and businesses etc. That is also why you should try to limit your use of online banking in public and when using free Wi-Fi.


Well I better not spend too much time writing, you never know I might become addicted. 🙁

Thanks, Isaac


G’day Folks

Welcome back to my third post. YEAH!!!! With this third blog I will be explaining what netiquette is. Just before we hop into this I would like to explain what netiquette is. Netiquette is a list of rules you should follow when using the internet.

WRITING IN CAPITALS MEANS, THAT THE WRITER IS SHOUTING. PROPARBLY NOT A GOOD IDEA WHEN WRITING A EMAIL TO YOUR BOSS. Caps is a great tool to use as it is persuasive. Be careful as to when you use it and where because it can also be very rude.

Your such and idiot. Jokes. 🙂 That is an example of what not to say, when writing a blog, replying to a comment or when posting a comment. Avoiding sarcasm helps the readers understand what you are trying to say more clearly. This also can reduce the risk of someone taking your sarcasm the wrong way.

SPAMMING SPAMMING SPAMMING SPAMMING SPAMMING SPAMMING SPAMMING SPAMMING SPAMMING SPAMMING SPAMMING SPAMMING SPAMMING SPAMMING SPAMMING SPAMMING SPAMMING SPAMMING SPAMMING SPAMMING SPAMMING SPAMMING SPAMMING SPAMMING SPAMMING SPAMMING SPAMMING SPAMMING SPAMMING SPAMMING SPAMMING SPAMMING. This is just plain annoying. Spamming is when you post a lot of unwanted stuff when commenting on other people’s blogs, videos or comments. This is uncool and is unfair to the people who want to ask questions and like or comment on their video. The writer or vloger is also effected as he/she wants to read others comments but can’t because other people think its’s cool to spam things that aren’t appropriate to the chat.


Respecting others involve all of the above. Letting people comment and ask questions is very important but as some people are selfish they deny those people that privilege. Respecting others privacy on social media is expected. Who wants a creepy guy asking a whole lot of weird questions about your life? No way!!!!


When you are writing a blog post it is vital that what you copy, you copy with absolute caution. This is because it may be another person’s work and I don’t think that they would appreciate you taking something and claiming it as your own. This is basically stealing. You wouldn’t go down to the store and steal their bread and say it was yours. It is essential that whatever you copy do it with CAUTION and always reference your sources.

Just for a little bit of fun I decided to chuck this one in here as everyone does this terribly wrong. USE APPROPRIATE EMOJIS. It isn’t hard to do at all. Like seriously who uses that crying face for something that’s funny. Everybody uses the winking face for saying I’m cool but NO that’s what the sunglasses guy is for. GEEEEEEEEEEEZE.


Thanks again

Please leave a comment and I would love to hear another netiquette rule from you guys.
